Historical events.

In this page some facts and historical events are presented, ordered chronologically, with the attempt to exclude events from the wars and conflicts, happening in the period.

Harry Houdini makes his famous Strait Jacket Escape:

Georges Claude patents the neon for advertising:

NACA (predecessor of NASA) is formed (March, 1915):

Poison gas is used for the first time on the Western front (April, 1915):

John McCrae writes the emblematic poem “In Flanders Field” (3rd of May, 1915):

The British Women’s Institute is founded (16th of June, 1915);

The second KuKluxKlan is founded by William J. Simmons, after the controversial movie ‘The Birth Of a Nation”, which was glorifying the first klan.

The first stop sign appears in Detroit, Michigan (it didn’t look like today’s one, no; it was white with black letters).


Claude Monet paints some parts of the Water Lilies series:

William J. Newton and Morris Goldberg invented the light switch (April, 1916):

(it didn’t look exactly like this though.)

The first Supermarket (with the concept of self-servicing) opened in Memphis, Tennessee, as part of Clarence Saunders’ Piggly Wiggly stores.

The Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany are cancelled.


The famous Dutch exotic dancer Mata Hari (real name: Margaretha Geertruida “M’greet” Zelle) was arrested for spying and executed.

USA declares war on Germany (6th of April, 1917).

Beginning of the Russian Revolution (25th of October, 1917).

The first of the Cottingley Fairies series of photographs was taken by Elsie Wright and her cousin Frances Griffiths (accordingly 16- and 10- years old by that time; December, 1917).

Henry Ford introduces the first mass-produced farm tractor called the Fordson (1917).


Moscow became capital of Soviet Russia (previous capital was Saint Petersburg; 12th of March, 1918).

Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexei, were executed by CheKa, by order of the Bolshevik Party. (17th of July, 1918).

The pop-up toaster was invented (1918).


Benito Mussolini found his political movement Fascism (23rd of March, 1919).

The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar, Germany (April, 1919).

Einstein’s theory of relativity is tested and confirmed by Arthur Eddington in Príncipe (one of the islands on which the country São Tomé and Príncipe lays, west coast of Africa) and by Andrew Crommelin in Sobral, Brazil. (May, 1919).

Th US Congress approves the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave the women the right to vote (4th of June, 1919).

The first non-stop transatlantic flight was completed by Sir John William Alcock and his navigator Lieutenant Arthur Whitten Brown from St. John’s, Newfoundland to Clifden, Ireland (14 of June, 1919).

Lady Astor (Nancy Witcher Astor, Viscountess Astor) became the first female Member of the Parliament in the British House of Commons (she represented the Conservative Party; she was not the first female MP, but the first to take her seat; 1st of December, 1919).


Adolf Hitles presents his National Socialist program in Munich (24th of February, 1920.)

Panama Canal opens (12th of July, 1920).

Detroit radio station was first to broadcast a news program on the air (31st of Augist, 1920).

These are some of the historical events from this timeline, which we considered to be important, as concerning the future, and interesting as well.

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